UKAS Annual Lunch

It was a great pleasure this week to return to the annual United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Annual Lunch, held at the stunning Royal Institute of British Architects. Always a delight to catch up with standards makers, quality management professionals and certification bodies alongside UKAS. It’s fantastic to be part of this vibrant community committed to maintaining trust, confidence and performance in the UK market.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the inspiring address by The Rt Hon Lord Mayor of London, Alderman Prof Michael Mainelli. His speech was a masterclass on the critical role that standards and certifications play, esp. in the intriguing comparison between market-based standardisation and the coordinated approach. His eloquent explanation of the economics behind these frameworks was the best I’ve heard in some time.

Gary Jones
Chair of the Federation of Certification Bodies
Chair of the UKAS Management System Certification Technical Advisory Committee